
Prepare your new worker address key, there is 2 easy way you can do:

  1. Using Geth

    1. Download Geth, select the installation packages of various versions applicable to different systems.

    1. Unzip the downloaded installation package

    tar -xvzf geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853.tar.gz
    1. Enter the unzipped directory

    cd geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/
    1. Use. / get account new -- keystore. / keystore to generate Ethereum account and keystore

    ./geth account new --keystore ./keystore
    1. You will be prompted to enter the password and confirm the password. Please remember this password for late use.


    INFO [09-08|15:30:11.904] Maximum peer count                       ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
    INFO [09-08|15:30:11.905] Smartcard socket not found, disabling    err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
    Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
    Repeat password: 
    Your new key was generated
    Public address of the key:   0x8B1819341BEc211a45a2186C4D0030681cccE0Ee
    Path of the secret key file: /root/geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/keystore/UTC--2022-09-13T01-14-32.465358210Z--8b1819341bec211a45a2186c4d0030681ccce0ee
    - You can share your public address with anyone. Others need it to interact with you.
    - You must NEVER share the secret key with anyone! The key controls access to your funds!
    - You must BACKUP your key file! Without the key, it's impossible to access account funds!
    - You must REMEMBER your password! Without the password, it's impossible to decrypt the 

    Please save your keystore file, on this example file name "UTC--2022-09-13T01-14-32.465358210Z--8b1819341bec211a45a2186c4d0030681ccce0ee".

  2. Using Eth-Vanity

    Go to , scroll down, enter any prefix or suffix (using 1-3 char are good, if using too many char on prefix/suffix, your pc could be slowing down and the process could never getting complete). After generated, you'll see your address and private key (save it all). Also click on SAVE button, a popup will appear, insert your password and save the UTC keystore file.

Preparing Dependencies & Download NuLink worker

  1. install docker, you can check how to install here:

  2. Pull the latest NuLink image.

    docker pull nulink/nulink:latest
  3. Create a directory in your host machine for later usage.

    cd /root
    mkdir nulink
  4. Copy the keystore file of the Worker account to the host directory selected in step 3. The private file generated by NuLink Worker will also be stored in this directory.

    cp /root/geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/keystore/* /root/nulink

    Please ensure that this directory has 777 permissions:

    chmod -R 777 /root/nulink

Export Node Environment Variables

Select a password with at least 8 characters to lock and unlock the private storage created by the NuLink Worker. It's important to remember this password for future access.


This password is used to unlock the keystore file of your Worker account. You would have established this password when creating the Worker account via Geth. Make sure you enter the same one!!!


Initialize Node Configuration

This step creates and stores the NuLink worker node configuration, and only needs to be run once.

$ docker run -it --rm \
-p 9151:9151 \
-v </path/to/host/machine/directory>:/code \
-v </path/to/host/machine/directory>:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
nulink/nulink nulink ursula init \
--signer <ETH KEYSTORE URI> \
--eth-provider <NULINK PROVIDER URI>  \
--payment-provider <PAYMENT PROVIDER URI> \
--payment-network <PAYMENT NETWORK NAME> \
--operator-address <WORKER ADDRESS> \
--max-gas-price <GWEI>

Replace the following values with your own value:

  • </path/to/host/machine/directory> - The host directory you create when install.

  • <ETH KEYSTORE URI> - The path to the keystore file of the Worker account.

  • <NULINK PROVIDER URI> - The URI of a local or hosted node where the Horus network launched.

  • <NULINK NETWORK NAME> - The name of the network where the Horus network launched.

  • <PAYMENT PROVIDER URI> - The URI of a local or hosted node where payment goes.

  • <PAYMENT NETWORK NAME> - The name of the payment network.

  • <OPERATOR ADDRESS> - The address of the Worker account. How to generate Worker account.

  • <GWEI> (Optional) - The maximum price of gas to spend on any transaction.

Example Input:

docker run -it --rm \
-p 9151:9151 \
-v /root/nulink:/code \
-v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
nulink/nulink nulink ursula init \
--signer keystore:///code/UTC--2022-09-13T01-14-32.465358210Z--8b1819341bec211a45a2186c4d0030681ccce0ee \
--eth-provider \
--network horus \
--payment-provider \
--payment-network bsc_testnet \
--operator-address 0x8B1819341BEc211a45a2186C4D0030681cccE0Ee \
--max-gas-price 10000000000

Preparing some tBNB and NLK test token

  1. Claim some tBNB from or their discord faucet channel.

  2. Claim 10 NLK testnet from

    The claiming process of NLK testnet need some tBNB as gas fees, so please claim tBNB first before claiming NLK testnet.

Launch the Node

The following command will start the node. Make sure you use the same host directory as the configuration.

Remark1: You need to claim some BNB(test) token for Worker account as gas fee.

Remark2: If you encounter error when starting Worker node, first please check that the port 9151 has not been occupied by other process. If still not working, please check there is only one configuration json file in the </path/to/host/machine/directory>

$ docker run --restart on-failure -d \
--name ursula \
-p 9151:9151 \
-v </path/to/host/machine/directory>:/code \
-v </path/to/host/machine/directory>:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
nulink/nulink nulink ursula run --no-block-until-ready

Example Input:

docker run --restart on-failure -d \
--name ursula \
-p 9151:9151 \
-v /root/nulink:/code \
-v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
nulink/nulink nulink ursula run --no-block-until-ready

Example Output:


Check Node Status for Worker Account

The following command describes how to view worker status.

docker logs -f <docker name>

Example Input:

docker logs -f ursula

Example Output:

Authenticating Ursula
Loaded Ursula (horus)
 External IP matches configuration
Starting services
 Node Discovery (Horus)
 Work Tracking
 Start Operator Bonded Tracker
 Rest Server
Working ~ Keep Ursula Online!

Now the Worker address(e.g: 0x8B1819341BEc211a45a2186C4D0030681cccE0Ee) is ready for bonding operation.

Restart the Worker Node

Occasionally, the staker may find it necessary to restart the worker node. Below is the command for restarting the currently running nodes:

docker restart <container ID>

Note: please use command: docker ps to get your container id.

Update in docker environment

Make sure you still hold your staking account and worker account. The update in docker is simple: stop the node, pull the latest image and restart the node.

  1. Stop the running node in Docker:

    docker kill <container ID>

    Delete the container:

    docker rm <container ID>
  2. Pull the latest NuLink image.

    docker pull nulink/nulink:latest
  3. Re-launch the worker node.

    docker run --restart on-failure -d \
    --name ursula \
    -p 9151:9151 \
    -v /root/nulink:/code \
    -v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
    nulink/nulink nulink ursula run --no-block-until-ready


Last updated