
Running on regular machine (VPS/Dedicated)

Install all dependencies needed

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev git curl screen
sudo apt install software-properties-common

Add deadsnakes repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

Install python, pip and python3 venv

curl -sSL -o
sudo apt install python3.9-venv
sudo mkdir newrl-venv
cd newrl-venv
python3.9 -m venv newrl-venv

Refresh all variable / environment

source newrl-venv/bin/activate

Download and Build App Binaries

git clone

Go to newrl folder

cd newrl

Run the mainnet

screen -S newrl
scripts/ mainnet

Note: The port 8456 for mainnet and 8421 if testnet should be publicly accessible on the instance. On AWS, this can be done by opening inbound port in the security group. For local installations, the router need to be configured to bypass symmetric NAT for the port 8456 for mainnet and 8421 for testnet.

Running From AWS Instanceโ€‹

sudo service newrl stop # Ctrl+C if not stopping in few seconds
cd newrl/data_mainnet
sudo rm newrl.db
sudo service newrl start

Note: The port 8456 for mainnet and 8421 if testnet should be publicly accessible on the instance. On AWS, this can be done by opening inbound port in the security group. For local installations, the router need to be configured to bypass symmetric NAT for the port 8456 for mainnet and 8421 for testnet.

Last updated