
5ire Chain Validator Node Installation

Follow the steps mentioned below for running a full node or a validator node with Docker:

Step 1: Download the Docker image using the following command:

docker pull 5irechain/5ire-thunder-node:0.12

Step 2: Run the Docker image

For a full node, run the following command:

docker run -p 30333:30333 -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 5irechain/5ire-thunder-node:0.12 --port 30333 --chain /5ire/thunder-chain-spec.json  --ws-external --ws-port 9944 --rpc-external --rpc-port 9933 --rpc-cors all --no-telemetry --name my-5ire-full-node --bootnodes /ip4/ --pruning archive

For a validator node, run the following command:

docker run -p 30333:30333 5irechain/5ire-thunder-node:0.12 --port 30333 --no-telemetry --name my-5ire-validator  --chain /5ire/thunder-chain-spec.json  --bootnodes /ip4/ --pruning archive --validator

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