Create Token

Unlock wallet

cline wallet unlock -n YourWalletName

then enter your password.

There is 2 method you can use to deploy token, you can use your own wallet as deployer (contract uploaded to your own wallet) or you can use based on inery.token account to create a new token.

Method 1 (using your own account)

Getting token ABI and WASM

cline get code inery.token -c token.wasm -a token.abi --wasm

Set ABI and Wasm to your account

//set wasm
cline set code -j YourAccountName token.wasm

//set abi
cline set abi YourAccountName token.abi

Create Token

cline push action YourAccountName create '["YourAccountName", "Supply CurrencyCode"], "token description/memo"' -p YourAccountName

Issue Token

cline push action YourAccountName issue '["YourAccountName", "Supply CurrencyCode", "detail"]' -p YourAccountName

Transfer to Other Account

cline push action YourAccountName transfer '["YourAccountName", "DestinationWalletName", "Amount CurrencyCode", "Here you go 1 TEST for free :) "]' -p YourWalletName

Method 2 (use inery.token)

Create Token

cline push action inery.token create '["YourAccountName", "Supply CurrencyCode"], "token description/memo"' -p YourAccountName

Issue Token

cline push action inery.token issue '["YourAccountName", "Supply CurrencyCode", "detail"]' -p YourAccountName

Transfer to Other Account

cline push action inery.token transfer '["YourAccountName", "DestinationWalletName", "Amount CurrencyCode", "Here you go 1 TEST for free :) "]' -p YourWalletName

Last updated